Chữa đề IELTS Writing task 1 – Dạng Process

The diagram below shows the process of using water to produce electricity.
(quy trình sử dụng nước để tạo ra điện - thủy điện)
The diagram illustrates the process in which electricity is generated by using water power.
Overall, there are six main steps involved in the process, beginning with the water evaporation and ending with the supplying of electricity.
At the beginning of the process, having been exposed to the sun, the sea water evaporates and forms clouds. Afterwards, the clouds which contain a great amount of water cause downpours of rain to a reservoir with a huge dam built to stop the water flow. In the following stage, the water flows to a turbine through a system of valves which can be controlled to open or close. Then, the turbine starts to rotate and generates electricity based on the power of the water. At the same time, the water is pumped back to the reservoir from the turbine for latter usage.
After that it comes to the subsequent step in which the electricity flows to a transformer station through a high voltage cables system. Finally, the electricity is sent to different destinations in the city such as hospitals, schools, factories and households via underground cables, ready for consumption.
Trong bài writing task 1 dạng process, Câu tổng quan chúng ta sẽ khái quát xem quy trình đó có khoảng bao nhiêu bước chính, bắt đầu từ bước nào và kết thúc ở bước nào.
Đoạn thân bài 3.4 sẽ chia các bước thành 2 đoạn cho đêu. Một số cấu trúc các em có thể sử dụng:

  • At the beginning of the process = at the first step of the process: Vào đầu của giai đoạn
  • At the following /next /subsequent stage/step : Ở bước tiếp theo.
  • Having been + VPII, Clause: Sau khi được ...., chủ ngữ tiếp tục...