1. Từ vựng topic book theo word form

1.1. Noun


  • Definition: The name given to a book.
  • "The title of the novel, 'To Kill a Mockingbird,' suggests a deeper theme within the story."


  • Definition: A category or type of literature, characterized by similarities in form, style, or subject matter.
  • "Science fiction is a popular genre that often explores futuristic concepts and advanced technology."


  • Definition: The sequence of events in a story or novel.
  • "The intricate plot of the mystery novel kept readers guessing until the very end."


  • Definition: The time and place in which a story unfolds.
  • "The exotic setting of the tropical island added a sense of adventure to the novel."


  • Definition: The telling of a story or an account of events.
  • "The first-person narrative in the memoir allowed readers to connect intimately with the author's experiences."


  • Definition: The central idea or message conveyed in a book.
  • "The theme of love and sacrifice is beautifully woven throughout the pages of the romantic novel."


  • Definition: The final part of a story where the conflicts are resolved, and loose ends are tied up.
  • "The satisfying resolution of the novel left readers with a sense of closure and fulfillment."


  • Definition: A piece of furniture with shelves for storing books.
  • My bookshelf is filled with novels, poetry collections, and reference books.


  • Definition: A strip of material or card placed between the pages of a book to mark a reader's place.
  • I always use a bookmark to keep track of where I left off in my favorite novels.


  • Definition: A retail establishment that sells books.
  • I spent the whole afternoon browsing through the aisles of the quaint bookstore downtown.


  • Definition: A person who enjoys reading and spends much time doing so.
  • My sister is a bookworm; she can finish a novel in a day.


  • Definition: A piece of furniture with horizontal shelves for storing books.
  • The antique bookcase in the living room holds a collection of rare and valuable books.


  • Definition: A small, thin book with a limited number of pages.
  • The travel agency provided a booklet with all the necessary information about our vacation destination.

1.2. Adj


  • Definition: Arousing curiosity or interest; fascinating.
  • The book's intriguing plot kept me captivated until the very end.


  • Definition: Evoking a strong interest or admiration; persuasive.
  • The author presented a compelling argument in favor of sustainable living.


  • Definition: Stimulating or causing careful consideration of ideas or issues.
  • The novel was thought-provoking, making readers reflect on the complexities of human relationships.


  • Definition: Absorbing all of one's attention; captivating.
  • The historical fiction was so engrossing that I lost track of time while reading.


  • Definition: Showing great attention to detail; careful and precise.
  • The author's meticulous research added authenticity to the historical elements of the book.


  • Definition: Producing clear and strong mental images; lively and intense.
  • The writer used vivid descriptions, bringing the setting to life in the reader's mind.


  • Definition: Fluent and persuasive in speaking or writing.
  • The author's eloquent prose conveyed the emotional depth of the characters' experiences.


  • Definition: Introducing new ideas, methods, or concepts; original and creative.
  • The novel's innovative narrative structure set it apart from traditional storytelling.


  • Definition: Having deep meaning or significance; intellectually deep.
  • The philosophical novel offered profound insights into the nature of human existence.


  • Definition: Skillfully composed or crafted.
  • The well-written novel captivated readers with its engaging plot and rich character development.


  • Definition: Having the highest sales among all similar products.
  • The author was thrilled to see his latest work become a best-selling book within just a few weeks of its release.


  • Definition: Stimulating deep consideration or contemplation.
  • The thought-provoking essay challenged readers to rethink their perspectives on societal issues.


  • Definition: Extremely engaging and compelling, making it difficult to stop reading.
  • The mystery novel was so page-turning that I stayed up all night to finish it.


  • Definition: Not affected by the passage of time; enduring.
  • Shakespeare's timeless plays continue to resonate with audiences around the world, centuries after they were written.


  • Definition: Arousing curiosity or interest; fascinating.
  • The book's intriguing plot twists kept readers guessing until the very end.


  • Definition: Focused on the development and interactions of the characters rather than the plot.
  • The character-driven narrative allowed readers to connect deeply with the protagonists' struggles and triumphs.

Visually stunning

  • Definition: Exceptionally attractive or impressive in terms of appearance.
  • The coffee table book featured visually stunning photographs that showcased the beauty of nature.


  • Definition: Grand in scope, scale, or ambition.
  • The author's epic fantasy series spanned multiple volumes and created an expansive, immersive world.


  • Definition: Eliciting feelings of warmth, joy, or sentimentality.
  • The heartwarming story of friendship and resilience left a lasting impression on readers of all ages.

1.3. Verb


  • Definition: To look through a book or other reading material casually.
  • "I like to browse through different genres at the bookstore before making a selection."


  • Definition: To read quickly and eagerly.
  • "She devoured the latest novel in one sitting, unable to put it down."


  • ​​Definition: To consult or use a book as a source of information.
  • "Writers frequently reference various materials to enhance the depth of their work."


  • Definition: To obtain or get possession of a book.
  • "Book collectors often strive to acquire rare and valuable editions."


  • Definition: To take a book on loan from a library or someone else.
  • "I decided to borrow the novel from the library instead of buying it."


  • Definition: To evaluate or analyze a book, expressing opinions on its merits or faults.
  • "Literary critics often criticize novels based on their thematic depth and character development."


  • Definition: To delve into the content of a book, investigating its themes and ideas.
  • "Readers can explore different cultures through literature by immersing themselves in diverse books."


  • Definition: To convert
  • "Many classic works of literature have been translated to make them accessible to a global audience."

1.4. Phrasal verb

Look up

  • Definition: To search for information in a book or other reference material.
  • I had to look up the definition of that word in the dictionary.

Read up on

  • Definition: To study or learn more about a particular subject by reading extensively.
  • Before the interview, she read up on the company's history and policies.

Bring out

  • Definition: To publish or release a new book.
  • The author plans to bring out a sequel to her popular novel next year.

Leaf through

  • Definition: To quickly look through the pages of a book without reading it in detail.
  • While waiting for the meeting to start, he casually leafed through the business magazine.

Pick up

  • Definition: To start reading a book or acquire a new skill or knowledge casually.
  • I decided to pick up a novel at the bookstore for my weekend reading.

Check out

  • Definition: To borrow a book from a library or to investigate a book or topic.
  • I'm going to the library to check out some books for my research paper.

Bring back

  • Definition: To return a borrowed book to its original place, such as a library.
  • Don't forget to bring back the novel you borrowed from me last week.

Fall behind on

  • Definition: To lag behind in reading or not keep up with a reading schedule.
  • With all the assignments, I've started to fall behind on my required reading for the literature class.

1.5. Idiom

Read between the lines

  • Definition: To understand a deeper or hidden meaning in something.
  • "When analyzing poetry, it's essential to read between the lines to grasp the poet's intended emotions."

Hit the books

  • ​Definition: To study intensively or prepare for exams.
  • "With final exams approaching, it's time to hit the books and review all the material we've covered this semester."

Judge a book by its cover

  • Definition: To form an opinion based on appearance rather than substance.
  • "Although the house looked small from the outside, you can't judge a book by its cover—it was surprisingly spacious inside."

Turn the page

  • Definition: To move on from a difficult or negative situation.
  • "After the breakup, Sarah decided it was time to turn the page and focus on her personal growth."

Hit the nail on the head

  • Definition: To describe precisely or identify the core issue accurately.
  • "Your analysis of the economic challenges hit the nail on the head; we need comprehensive reforms to address these issues."

1.6. Collocation

Read a Book:

  • Definition: To look at and comprehend the written content of a book.
  • To improve your vocabulary, it's essential to regularly read a variety of books.

Write a Book:

  • Definition: To compose and produce a literary work in the form of a book.
  • The author spent years researching and outlining before finally deciding to write a book on historical mysteries.

Turn the Pages of a Book:

  • Definition: To move from one page to another while reading a book.
  • As she turned the pages of the novel, the suspense continued to build, making it hard to put down.

Borrow a Book:

  • Definition: To temporarily take a book from someone with the intention of returning it.
  • I often borrow books from the library to save money and still enjoy a wide range of literature.

Publish a Book:

  • Definition: To make a book available to the public through printing or digital distribution.
  • After years of hard work, the aspiring author finally fulfilled her dream of publishing a book.

Good Book:

  • Definition: A book that is enjoyable, interesting, or well-written.
  • The novel received rave reviews, and many considered it a good book for both entertainment and reflection.

Reference Book:

  • Definition: A book designed to be consulted for specific information.
  • Encyclopedias and dictionaries are common examples of reference books used for quick information retrieval.

Bestseller Book:

  • Definition: A book that achieves a high level of sales and popularity.
  • The new thriller quickly became a bestseller, captivating readers around the world with its gripping plot.

Book Review:

  • Definition: A critical evaluation or analysis of a book's content, often written by a professional reviewer.
  • Before purchasing a novel, I always check online book reviews to ensure it aligns with my taste.

Devour a Book:

  • Definition: To read a book quickly and with great enthusiasm.
  • During the summer vacation, she would often devour several books, immersing herself in different genres.

1.7. Adv


  • Definition: Producing a large quantity of work, especially literary works.
  • J.K. Rowling is a prolific author, having written seven Harry Potter books in just ten years.


  • Definition: Present, appearing, or found everywhere.
  • In today's digital age, e-books have become ubiquitous, available for download on various platforms.