1. Paraphrase

  • Chuckle:
    • Upon seeing the humorous picture in the letter, I couldn't help but chuckle at the girls' playful antics.
  • Giggle:
    • The story of their attempt to knit a bracelet had me giggling uncontrollably with delight.
  • Roar with laughter:
    • The unexpected gift was so amusing that I found myself roaring with laughter for a good few minutes.
  • Burst out laughing:
    • The mischievous spelling mistakes in their letter made me burst out laughing, catching me completely off guard.
  • Crack up:
    • The funny anecdotes about their bracelet-making escapade caused me to crack up with genuine amusement.
  • Be in stitches:
    • Their endearing efforts to apologize had me in stitches, appreciating their sincerity and innocence.
  • Smirk:
    • Despite my initial sternness, a small smirk formed on my face as I read their heartfelt yet comical letter.
  • Grin from ear to ear:
    • Definition: To smile broadly, expressing great happiness or satisfaction.
    • When I opened the gift box, I couldn't help but grin from ear to ear at the unexpected surprise.
  • Turn a frown upside down:
    • Definition: To transform a sad or negative expression into a happy or positive one.
    • The girls' unexpected gift managed to turn my frown upside down and brighten my entire day.

2. Các kiểu cười

1. airy /ˈɛri/ cười nhẹ

2. angelic /ˌænˈʤɛlɪk/ nụ cười thiên thần

3. bashful /ˈbæʃfəl/ cười bẽn lẽn, rụt rè

4. beaming /ˈbimɪŋ/ cười rạng rỡ

5. belly-laugh /ˈbɛli-læf/ cười đau cả bụng

6. charming /ˈʧɑrmɪŋ/ cười quyến rũ

7. cheeky /ˈʧiki/ cười lém lỉnh

8. chuckle /ˈʧʌkəl/ cười thầm

9. complaisant /kəmˈpleɪsənt/ cười ân cần

10. crack up /kræk ʌp/ bật cười

11. crow /kroʊ/ reo vui

12. disarming /dɪˈsɑrmɪŋ/ cười xoa dịu

13. envious /ˈɛnviəs/ cười ghen tị

14. fake /feɪk/ cười giả tạo

15. fleeting /ˈflitɪŋ/ thoáng nở nụ cười

16. friendly /ˈfrɛndli/ thân thiện

17. gentle /ˈʤɛntəl/ lịch sự

18. happy-go-lucky /ˈhæpi-goʊ-ˈlʌki/ cười vô tư

19. giggle /ˈgɪgəl/ cười khúc khích

20. glowing /ˈgloʊɪŋ/ cười rạng rỡ

21. gracious /ˈgreɪʃəs/ cười hòa nhã

22. grin /grɪn/ cươi toet miệng

23. horse-laugh /hɔrs-læf/ cười hi hí

24. jeer /ʤɪr/ cười chế nhạo

25. scoff /skɔf/ cợt nhả

26. smirk /smɜrk/ cười nhếch mép

27. smile /smaɪl/ nhoẻn miệng cười

28. sneering /ˈsnɪrɪŋ/ móc máy, xỉa xói

29. snicker /ˈsnɪkər/ cười khẩy

30. split (one's) sides /splɪt (wʌnz) saɪdz/ cười vỡ bụng

31. sunshiny /ˈsʌnˌʃaɪni/ nụ cười tỏa nắng

32. twitter /ˈtwɪtər/ cười ríu rít